Vertical lift sequenser (VLS)
The automation for the transport of packages is realized in multiple forms and sizes. The solutions can be managed according to the requirements of order picking, sequencing or according to any imbalances in the general flow of materials within the distribution system. The vertical lift sequencer is an approach to these applications.
The vertical lift sequencer is a device for the temporary storage, characterized by a small size thanks to a vertical development of the design. The "beam" lifting technology makes use of a combination, an extractor and a lower storage type "cantilever", to be able to handle many types of crates, boxes and other loads available in units.
The vertical lift sequencer is implemented in groups or "blocks" to satisfy the requirements of speed and storage capacity. Each block of the vertical lift sequencer is managed by a system of automated transport.
Thanks to its flexibility, the vertical lift sequencer’s technology can be used in many applications.
Key points:
- Accuracy in creating sequences for automated tasks of creating mixed pallets;
- Management of temporary imbalances between picking and shipping;
- Management of imbalances between production processes;
- Automatic supply of roller conveyors designed to manual picking of packages.